The life of Abraham has 3 lessons for us in our multi faceted life. Lessons that we take into our ministry, the messages God speaks to us about and our responsibility to mediate on sinners behalf.
Lessons about fatherhood from the life of Eli.
Not about bricks and mortar, but a state, a condition, an atmosphere where God’s glory is Present.
Until you believe what you have been praying for enough to bring your actions into alignment with your prayer life, you will believe it but not receive it.
Intercession - The Lost Art. What is Intercession? Difference between praying and Intercession. How do we Intercede?
“ The Secret of the Fast “ Fasting carries value seldom emphasized. In this message we highlight the hidden purpose and priority of Fasting.
The provision for the Vision is firstly a matter of the Heart.
We allow the crushing moments in our life to lean us into a posture of prayer, they would have the potential of producing something beautiful inside of us.
The root of Deception
The difference is in what you do!.
“First Love” is the difference between our relationship with God in black and white, or colour. When first love is lacking, our entire relationship with God is in jeopardy.
Waiting on God is key to overcoming the fears that defeat us. Looking deeper, reveals the presence of an absence that must be addressed, otherwise we cannot develop a real relationship with God.
Following Jesus is not making him the Co-pilot of our lives, He wants to be the Captain. For this to be a reality, a particular two probed fear must be overcome.
Staying in Victory comes with benefits. What everyone wants, but few achieve.