Biblical values are realized after we discern between the precious and the worthless.
Biblical Purpose. A purpose driven life is intentional living, motivated by the purposes of God.
The more pre-occupied we are with ourselves, the more we loose our sense of Identity. Solomon offers some wise advice.
Who is really the master of my life?
Our view and understanding of God will either be informed by our Christian experience, or by the word of God.
There are consequences to ignoring warnings of danger. One of them is Zeal without Knowledge.
You are saved by Grace - but don’t forget the “More”.
Hearing is one thing, but doing is something else! You haven’t really heard until obedience anchors you in Jesus.
An exposition of core life principles.
The life of Abraham has 3 lessons for us in our multi faceted life. Lessons that we take into our ministry, the messages God speaks to us about and our responsibility to mediate on sinners behalf.
Lessons about fatherhood from the life of Eli.
Not about bricks and mortar, but a state, a condition, an atmosphere where God’s glory is Present.
Until you believe what you have been praying for enough to bring your actions into alignment with your prayer life, you will believe it but not receive it.
Intercession - The Lost Art. What is Intercession? Difference between praying and Intercession. How do we Intercede?
“ The Secret of the Fast “ Fasting carries value seldom emphasized. In this message we highlight the hidden purpose and priority of Fasting.
The provision for the Vision is firstly a matter of the Heart.
We allow the crushing moments in our life to lean us into a posture of prayer, they would have the potential of producing something beautiful inside of us.
The root of Deception
The difference is in what you do!.