Be fruitful in the bad times, don’t wait for the good times.
What is the key to my Maturity and Growth in 2020?
The Anointing is lost through mis-use and neglect. It’s recover comes at the end of yourself.
Not to be tampered with.
David teaches us How to Trust God despite our desert experiences.
Revealed to the Common person, the Intellectual, and the spiritual. - All in need of a common saviour.
The truth of God’s peace is not general but specific and as such, not everyone will receive it.
Taking the Baton & Running with it.
Beginning well is a momentary thing, Finishing well is a life-long thing.
Spiritual Disciplines are all about developing Godliness. The effect of Godliness is Empowerment.
How Jesus offers us a different way to live in the world.
Biblical values are realized after we discern between the precious and the worthless.
Biblical Purpose. A purpose driven life is intentional living, motivated by the purposes of God.
The more pre-occupied we are with ourselves, the more we loose our sense of Identity. Solomon offers some wise advice.
Who is really the master of my life?
Our view and understanding of God will either be informed by our Christian experience, or by the word of God.
There are consequences to ignoring warnings of danger. One of them is Zeal without Knowledge.
You are saved by Grace - but don’t forget the “More”.
Hearing is one thing, but doing is something else! You haven’t really heard until obedience anchors you in Jesus.
An exposition of core life principles.