Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a Known God. Nothing outside of Habakkuk had changed but Habakkuk himself. His ‘God Revelation’ was the catalyst for a Surrendered and God entrusted life.
The Prelude to Silence. Current events are the prelude to the storm. But God!! is in control.
It’s not Faith till you Do it. It’s time to explore the difference between Saving Faith and Living Faith. And then answer the question, How do you live the Faith Habakkuk talks about?.
How we wait for Gods time, and it’s Implications
In times of Confusion, we need to see the Big God in the Big Picture. Working all things according to His Time and His Agenda.
We all know we need God in our lives. The choices and decisions we make in life will impact how our children will grow.
The enemy divides and isolates, because he understands the power of Two. God has ordained that we work best and achieve more in unity and agreement.
The reality of access ways, and their applications in the spiritual realm.
All that can be shaken will be shaken. We are all subject to testing. The kingdom of God cannot be shaken, and Jesus is our only Safe Place.
The resurrection of Jesus has the power to change your life Now.
It’s time for a personal Inventory - of my true values and authenticity of my faith.
This is testing time. God is speaking, the question is “are we listening, and obeying?”.
Position yourself to receive God’s peace. We need Gods peace to navigate uncertain times. However, peace is not a given, we must meet God’s conditions, when we do, we can expect the desired outcome.
Jesus commanded us to worship in Spirit and in Truth. Worship is an attitude of reverence. Worship is defined as the activity of glorifying God in His presence with our voices and hearts.
The High calling of the Christian life. A new paradigm of thinking and doing.
You need to be broken to grow.
We can get stuck in the wrong kind of comfort that can keep us from fulfilling our destiny. The enemy wants us to run for comfort and cover to places outside of our calling, so that we can get comfortable in our dysfunctions so that we will never see our destiny come to pass.
How much do you want to grow your faith in God?
Faith seeds are scattered throughout our life and represent situations that require unwavering faith in God. If each faith seed flourishes into a tree, imagine walking through a field representing your life. Will you find a forest or a barren dessert?
There are hormones in our body that are vital for human physical growth and development. Similarly, there are “Spiritual Hormones” that are vital for our spiritual growth and development on our journey.
Vision must be subject to Purpose and not the other way around.